
Welcome to the Future of Gastrointestinal Diagnostics with NaviCam® SB Video Capsule Endoscopy System and ProScan™

Discover Unprecedented Efficiency: Our revolutionary NaviCam® SB Video Capsule Endoscopy System, equipped with ProScan™—the pioneering FDA-cleared AI Supported Reading Tool for VCE—is meticulously engineered to fast-track the evaluation of capsule endoscopy images, ensuring a swift diagnosis and initiation of therapy.

Key Features at a Glance:

  • Dramatically reduced reading times of less than 4 minutes.
  • Accuracy redefined with exceptional sensitivity and specificity in per patient and per lesion analysis.
  • Rapid Download and Processing: Complete your workflow in under 30 minutes, with the capability to download up to four studies simultaneously in less than one hour.

Efficiency Redefined: Integrating NaviCam SB with ProScan into clinical practice can enhance the diagnostic process for small bowel bleeding through more accurate and quicker readings, ultimately benefiting patient management and healthcare efficiency.

An Integral Part of a Powerful GI Diagnostic Platform: The NaviCam SB System is a crucial component of AnX Robotica’s comprehensive GI diagnostic platform. Anchored by our NaviCam Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy System, it offers a sedation-free, minimally invasive visualization of the esophagus and stomach, further enhancing the versatility and scope of your diagnostic capabilities.

Experience the pinnacle of gastrointestinal diagnostics with NaviCam® SB and ProScan™—where innovation meets efficiency for superior patient care.

The NaviCam System
NaviCam Small Bowel
NaviCam Xpress
NaviCam Stomach
NaviCam Colon
IntraMarx 3D
ProScan™ – First De Novo cleared AI Assisted Reading Tool for Small Bowel Video Capsule EndoscopyCheck it out!