Unlock the Future of Gastgroenterology with ProScan
– Your AI Assisted Reading Tool
Are you ready for a transformative leap in small bowel capsule endoscopy?
Meet ProScan, our cutting-edge AI Assisted Reading Tool meticulously designed to revolutionize
the diagnostic process for patients suspected of small bowel bleeding.
Key Features at a Glance
Cutting-Edge Technology
ProScan leverages advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to significantly reduce the time required for reviewing capsule endoscopy studies, enabling quicker and more precise diagnoses.
Efficiency Unleashed
ProScan is meticulously engineered to expedite the evaluation of capsule endoscopy images, enhancing the timeliness of a diagnosis and initiation of therapy.
Precise Digestive Tract Localization
ProScan goes beyond efficiency, empowering clinicians to pinpoint the location of key anatomic regions within the digestive tract. From the oral cavity through the esophagus, stomach, and small bowel, ProScan provides unparalleled anatomic localization capabilities.
Clinical Decision Support
ProScan isn’t here to replace clinical decision-making; it’s here to enhance it. Consider it your invaluable partner, offering support for well-informed decisions based on AI-assisted readings, elevating your diagnostic prowess.

Why ProScan?
Innovative Technology
ProScan harnesses the latest in artificial intelligence, bringing innovation to the forefront of small bowel capsule endoscopy.
FDA Clearance
Rest easy with ProScan, backed by FDA clearance through the rigorous De Novo Submission Process, solidifying its uniqueness and importance in the field.
Streamlined Workflows
Experience a seamless integration that streamlines diagnostic workflows, providing you with more time for what matters most – patient care.

NaviCam® ProScan PDF